Providing over 30 years of Excellent Service and Coverage to our clients
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A Comparison of Earthquake Insurance Providers

California Residential Earthquake Coverage Comparison
The Coverage chart below provides an accurate overview of the coverage features for the predominant Residential Earthquake Plans available in California. While the chart provides an overview, it does not show all policy limitations and provisions.

The options presented have been determined using the underwriting guidelines for each company. We can generally increase the amount of Dwelling coverage provided (if you feel we have underestimated the rebuilding cost of your home), however, the coverage usally cannot be reduced. The coverage amounts are set to meet each company's minimum guidelines to qualify for the coverage. It is important to keep in mind that since the deductibles for Earthquake Insurance are set as a percentage of the total coverage amount; as you increase your coverage, you also increase your effective deductible, while also increasing your cost. For example, a $100,000 Earthquake policy with a 10% deductible would mean that you have a $10,000 deductible; while a $150,000 policy with the same 10% deductible would mean that you now have a $15,000 deductible. So, while on the one hand you may want more coverage, on the other hand you thereby increase your overall deductible.

AXIS Reinsurance Company, GeoVera Insurance Company and Pacific Select Insurance Company are California "Admitted" Insurance Carriers. As such, they are all protected under the California State Guarantee Fund.

We look forward to hearing from you. If you have questions, please feel free to call at (800) 451-3500 or Fax at (888) 451-3501, or email us at

Company Program
Deductible Separate Structures
Personal Property Additional
Living Expenses
Debris Removal Chimneys,
Pools & Spas BBQs, Gazebos,
Playground equip., etc.
Personal Computers Glassware, China,
View a Sample Policy
AXIS Reinsurance Company Superior EQ

Up to the
limit purchased.
10% or 15%
of each coverage.
10% of Dwelling
50% of Dwelling
20% of Dwelling
Coverage, up to $100K
5% of Dwelling
5,000 25,000 3,000 10,000 1,500 Sample Policy
Superior EQ Up to the
limit purchased.
10% or 15%
of each coverage.
10% of Dwelling
50% of Dwelling
20% of Dwelling
Coverage, up to $25K
5% of Dwelling
5,000 3,000 3,000 2,500 1,500 Sample Policy
Standard Up to the
limit purchased.
15% of
total coverage.
No Coverage 5,000 1,500 5% of Dwelling
5,000 No Coverage No Coverage 1,000 No Coverage Sample Policy
Comprehensive Up to the
limit purchased.
10% or 15%
of total coverage.
Included in Blanket
Limit of Coverage
Included in Blanket
Limit of Coverage
Included in Blanket
Limit of Coverage
Up to the limit
5,000 3,000 3,000 Up to the
limit purchased.
Up to the
limit purchased. 
Standard Up to the
limit purchased.
15% of
total coverage.
No Coverage 5,000 1,500 Up to the limit
5,000 No Coverage No Coverage Included in
5,000 total.
Included in
5,000 total
Pacific Select
Premier Up to the
limit purchased.
10% or 15%
of each coverage.
10% of Dwelling
50% of Dwelling
20% of Dwelling
Coverage (25K max)
5% of Dwelling
5,000 1,500 1,500 2,500   1,500  
Up to the
limit purchased.
15% of
total coverage.
No Coverage 5,000 1,500 5% of Dwelling
5,000 No Coverage No Coverage 1,000 No Coverage  
CEA California EQ
Up to the
limit purchased.
15% No Coverage 5,000 1,500 5% of Dwelling
5,000 No Coverage No Coverage 1,000 No Coverage  

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